
Bangladesh SSC Dakhil 2008 Exam Results..check them out

Ministry of Education, Bangladesh
Intermediate and Secondary Education Boards, Bangladesh

The results of this year's Secondary School Certificate (SSC), SSC (Vocational) and Dakhil examinations under seven education boards, Technical Education Board and Madrasa Education Board will be published simultaneously today across the country.
The candidates can collect the results, which will be published at 5:00pm, from their respective schools or examination centres. They can also receive the results through short message service (SMS).
Anyone having GrameenPhone, Banglalink, Aktel, CityCell, TeleTalk or Warid connections, has to type the first three letters of the respective board (for example DHA for the Dhaka Board), give a space and type the Roll Number and then send it to 2777 or 4636 to get the results.
The results of SSC and Dakhil Examinations will be available on the website www.educationboard.gov.bd and of the SSC (Vocational) exams on http://result.bteb.gov.bd.

Results will be published at 5:00 PM (BST) / 11:00 AM (GMT) on June 26, 2008.

Bangladesh Technical Education Board

Result will be avaliable at 5:00 PM. on June 26, 2008.


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