
Kathanayakudu Movie Synopsis

Film- Kathanayakudu

Starring- Rajini, Jagapathy, nayanatara,Meena etc

Director- P Vasu

Produced by Aswini Dutt

Releasing on 1st August with 1200 prints worldwide

1.Kathanayakudu is 2 hours, 30 minutes long.

2.Rajinikanth appears twenty minutes after the movie begins.

3.And remains through the length of the film, though not in every single frame.

4.In all Rajini appears for a total of 60 minutes.

5.And in 3 rocking songs.

6.Kathanayakudu is a fun filled 2 hours, 10 minutes with about 20 minutes given over to emotional drama.
7.There are no real fight sequences, only the ones staged for this movie within a movie.

8.It has two parallel stories about two friends - one rich, one poor.

9.The highlight of Kathanayakudu 6 punch dialogue sequence filled with comedy that will delight not just fans of Rajini but everyone in the audience.

10.Rajini usually has one stand-out line in every movie -here he takes that old saying, "Matha Pitha Guru Dheivam" and turns it into a new saying about the importance of friendship: "Matha Pitha Guru Dheivam". We can bet that this is going to be a catchy line that all of us will be repeating soon.

11.For many of us who have been wondering a lot about Rajini’s political ambitions and his sojourns into the Himalayas, he answers us all in Kathanayakudu with such wit and tact that it will silence us from speculating anymore!

12.The climax, with Jagapathy and Rajini, is sure to melt hearts!

13.Jagapathy is marvelous; perhaps his best performance to date.

14.Nayantara simply sizzles effortlessly, proving why she is the numero uno.

15.Arivind Krishna's camera work is prefect, matching the mood of the movie .

16.This is a Rajini's movie, and yet it is also something completely different!
Rajini's's style here as he plays himself reaches a new high.


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