Demo Video of iTablet Apple
New information published in an article on a German site where the manager of Intel in Germany has confirmed that Apple will be shipping a device that sport their new processor Atom. We saw the rumor of a tablet device, which allegedly could be launched at WWDC 2008. If this leak did prove to be true, he says finally some credibility to the rumor.
Under an Intel event for the 40th anniversary of the company for semiconductors in the world BMW Munich, Germany CEO Hannes Schwaderer has today confirmed what has long been a rumour on the Internet namely that there is an iPhone with Intel's new chip Atom. The device is slightly larger than the current version, Schwaderer said. This is not, however, because the Intel chip, but because of the larger screen used in the new iPhone. -- Hannes Schwaderer, Germany Manager, Intel
Recent update on 5/5/08 revealed the following:
Intel knows nothing about future products from other manufacturers and can therefore also on it saying anything, "-Mike Cato, spokesman for Intel
The new Apple iTablet or whatever is called, is a device slightly larger to accommodate a larger screen. It is said that the device will be a 720 x 480 multi touch screen. This corresponds to the description in the rumor about Steve Jobs announced such a device at WWDC 2008 on June 9, 2008. We also expect jobs to introduce the new 3G iPhone during the announcement. Be sure to follow live coverage of speeches on employment on June 9, 2008 at 10AM, TVP http://live.iPhoneBuzz.com @!
Thus, allows start from the beginning, as best as I know, Apple founders Wozniak and Jobs went to school, blah, blah, blah, they started making computers and software for them. BAM! They are in business. Several years passed where to buy Apple is largely unnoticed, even though they are iPod in 2001. The Apple iPod is noticed and they ride the wave and the release of new versions and models of the iPod whenever that sales are starting to fall of the old model. But their division continues to go unnoticed, until Intel is involved now everyone wants one, but some still avoid them because of price or what some call a strange operating system.
Well, this brings us to today, where the OS is not so strange, Apple more in the public and their full attention when they do something. The iPod in its various models selling is more than ever. And then a few months ago, Apple launches the iPhone, a unique fusion of all the latest mobile devices to do what many regard as the best mobile phone there, and if you had to spend any time with one, you'd be difficult 'to disagree. Of course there are things that could be improved, but even in its current state of its better than anything that exists.
Screenshots of iTablets
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